After six seasons Lost has gone off the air. When I saw the pilot episode I was hooked. And there aren't words to describe how I felt during the first season finale when The Others rolled up to the make shift raft and said "Give us the boy." I could not wait to find out what the Hell was going on on that island!
However, after catching a few episodes during the second season I lost interest in the show and eventually stopped watching all together. The mysteries that were so captivating became annoying and frustrating. But really I stopped watching because I was afraid. I get really into the TV shows I watch. (So much so that I created a blog just to talk about them.) And I was afraid that I would feel cheated and mistreated if this series took a bad turn with unbelievable plot lines or sudden cancellation. I didn't believe Lost could live up to the hype.
Cut to season three. Tired of being left out of the water cooler conversations, I was back to being an avid viewer. I scheduled Lost on the DVR and watched every episode. When I had questions or just wanted to talk about how hot Sawyer was I would call my sister, Gloria, because this was her favorite show. Then It was announced that Lost was going off the air. The commercials for the final season promised the mystery of the island would be solved. I was beside myself with anticipation.
The Lost finale was so big ABC billed it as an event. Commercial space cost more than The Superbowl. Local businesses were throwing private viewing parties. I spent the Saturday before the finale sitting in the park with friends listing the questions we couldn't wait to know the answers to. It wasn't just me and a select group of people, the country was excited.
Sunday evening arrives and I snuggle in for the two and a half hour Lost finale. After 120 episode I was finally going to be found. Or so I thought. I'm just going to get to the point. The finale was a huge disappointment. Gigantic. The creators didn't address any of the big mysteries. Instead they left us with some criptic B.S. about purgatory and redemption. WTF!!! I wanted to know why, before the plane crash, couldn't any of the women carry a child to term. I wanted to know what would happen if the smoke monster got off the island. I wanted to know what was the deal with the time travel. I wanted to know why the others captured Walt. I wanted to know about the Dharma initiative. I will never get a satisfactory answer to any of these questions, and that is why that crap finale made me see red. And to add insult to injury the show's producers said they didn't address specific mysteries because that wasn't the big picture of the series. That made me want to hurt someone. It is obvious that the writers and producers wrote themselves into a corner. They didn't solve the mystery of the island because they couldn't.
What makes me so angry is I knew Lost was going to disappoint me in the end and I watched and got invested anyway. Well I won't make that mistake again. From now on if I watch a mystery themed show it will have to be advertised like Harper's Island. They told you from the pilot this series will only be one season, someone will die every epiosde, and the killer(s) will be revealed in the end. That's what I'm looking for, no lose ends.
You mentioned me! Thanks Ree. But back to the point....you're wrong, Wrong, WRONG!!! The finale was great. It took me 2 days to fully understand it but it was great. You can find out about the Smoke Monster and Walt and the dead babies when I buy you the DVD set. That stuff wasn't all that important IMO. The message was important. "No one does it alone Jack". That's right. I called you Jack. Cause you need to see the light.