I have been an avid Gossip Girl viewer since the very beginning. I tune in weekly for my dose of drama and intrigue. And every now and then I come away with style tips. Once Jenny carried a black purse that had a giant safety pin as the handle. After the show I immediately emailed a picture of that bag to everyone asking for info on where I could find a knock off. And bonus, I get to discuss the episodes with my friends.
But sadly this post isn't a love letter. While I still enjoy Gossip Girl, I'm putting it on notice. The first season was wonderful. It stirred up feelings I hadn't felt since the original Beverly Hills 90210. I was into the characters, the story lines, the clothes, and even the actors (though the acting wasn't always so great). As the series continued it seemed to lose its way. I have some questions that deserve answers and criticisms that need to be addressed.
Will someone please tell me why Jenny Humphrey is so angry? The character had a few major life changes, but they were all positive. She became the queen of the school. She moved from Brooklyn to the Upper East Side. Ok so money doesn't buy happiness, but the writers forgot to explain why one night Jenny went to bed as an eager, social climber, with a heart of gold and woke up a moody, self righteous, drug dealer that NEVER smiles. Taylor Momsen also appears to have gone through this change in real life. I suggest that one of her people sit her down with like Corey Feldman so he can tell her where she is headed if she doesn't get together. Let her know her teen life crisis isn't edgy or provocative but transparent and unoriginal.
Also, who is responsible for hair and make-up? Why do they let Jenny wear all that black eye liner? Taylor Momsen looks like she's doing her make-up herself. And her weave is so terrible I thought Beyonce's mom did it.
I read that Jenny Humphrey will not be on the show next season. I hope they aren't going to give this character a spin off. Neither Jenny or Taylor deserve it.
I tried to ignore the way Blake Lively (Serena Van Der Woodsen) talks. She doesn't open her mouth so her words are mumbled and emotionless. I tried! I can not suffer in silence anymore. It bothers me. I think maybe Blake has issues with her teeth, but whatever the reason is it bothers me...a lot.
I really liked Dan Humphrey in the first season. Although he was a social out cast and was picked on by Chuck Bass, he brushed his shoulder off. Dan had spunk and wit. Once his character became accepted by the group the writes didn't know what to do with him. Now he's just boring dead weight.
Lieghton Meester plays Blair Waldorf perfectly. My only note is that wardrobe is going too far with her clothes. Pull back. Blair doesn't need the crazy hats and over the top dresses. The actress and the character are quality. There is no need for the distractions. Oh BTW- the way Blair treats Deroda is not cool or acceptable. I know Doroda is Blair's lady in waiting. She's there to serve. But Blair goes too far, throwing stuff at Dorada, yelling at her, threatening her. Watching someone in a servant position being demeaned is not at all entertaining.
Gossip Girl is still a good show. But I want it to be a great show again. It's not too late. I am confident the writers and producers will fix these problems. After all not all is lost. I love Vanessa Abrams' style. She's my corresponding Gossip Girl fashion personality.
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