Monday, March 29, 2010

The Price of Beauty with Jessica Simpson

I should come out of the gate saying I am completely indifferent to Jessica Simpson. I know a lot of people find her annoying and a lot of people think she's spunky. I am not a fan of any one playing dumb to get laughs or attention, but Jessica is not one of the celebrities on my do not hire list.

The Price of Beauty is a new reality show on VH1 staring Jessica Simpson and her two friends, Ken Paves and CaCee Cobb. Jessica went to every talk show and magazine to promote the series. The first episode sent the three friends to Thailand to explore the cultures views on beauty and what length people will go to to achieve the ideal look. Jessica, CaCee, and Ken had massages, went to a temple and visited the Karen Hill Tribe to witness a young girl getting her first neck ring. The rings that will permanently elongate the girls neck. The number of rings signifies wealth and beauty.

The Price of Beauty is shot beautifully, and the subject matter is fascinating. So why are the ratings for this show so low? Because Jessica and Ken aren't at all interesting. Like when they were privy to meditate with a monk Jessica laughs throughout the session. Not cool or cute. Just when I thought Jessica was giving up her dizzy persona, I find that is not the case.

CaCee gets the least about of screen time, but is the only interesting cast member. She tends to look like she's paying attention to the local contributors as they speak, while Jessica looks bored and Ken just looks uncomfortable.

I LOVE the idea of this series but find it boring to watch. Price of Beauty should be about the various concepts of beauty the world over. But instead it's lets watch Jessica Simpson try to experience the beauty regimes of the locals with Ken and CaCee as back up singers. The viewer is supposed to find Jessica Simpson charming, funny, and relatable. And that is where they fail. I don't know if she can carry an entire show by herself, but I think the producers should consider fazing Jessica and Ken out and bringing CaCee forward.

Ultimately this show isn't horrible it's just not good. And that's disappointing because it has so much potential... and well... I would love to be a part of what The Price of Beauty could be.

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