Thursday, June 6, 2013

Pretty Little Liars

Pretty Little Liars is back for another season.  I love this show and have yet to miss an episode.

PLL follows the drama surrounding 4 high school friends that are being stalked and harassed by a mystery person that calls them self A. 

While the series hasn't been able to maintain the excellence that was season 1, it's still held my attention.  There are just 3 things I would change about the show.

1. Get rid of Ezra Fitz.  He is creepy and I don't understand why it was socially OK for him to date his 16 year old former student just because he was no longer her English teacher.  It is still a felony.  This brings me to...

2.  Make Aria speak in her real voice.  Aria has adapted a strained whisper voice that just listening to makes my throat hurt.  Unless she's delivering a secret she really needs to pump up the volume.

3.  The fashion- One of the things that makes PLL so much fun to watch is the costuming.  Each character has their own distinct style and it is obvious the wardrobe department works hard to make the girls look great.  But just like with Sex & the City, as the series gained popularity the fashions became over the top and less realistic.  The characters are in high school.  They look ridiculous in haute couture inspired outfits.

Pretty Little Liars airs Tuesdays at 8pm on ABC Family.


I took a hiatus from this blog, but now I'm back. There are so many TV shows, characters, and actors that I am dieing to write about from the perspective of an expert viewer!

 I would be remiss if I didn't take this time to mention a few programs I loved but that are no longer with us.
*Emily Owens MD (CW)- As far as I'm concerned this was the best show of 2012.
*Don't Trust The B In Apartment 23 (ABC)- Hated it at first, but ABC made changes and the 2nd season was great.
*30 Rock (NBC)- It was time for it to go, but I will miss Liz Lemon.

I'll continue to add to the list as the shows come to me.